
VI Lab


Our paper on Hierarchical Reinforcement Learning is accepted to IEEE T-ITS (Intelligent Transportation Systems)

페이지 정보

작성자 최고관리자 댓글 조회 작성일 24-09-10 11:08


Hierarchical reinforcement learning (HRL) has led to remarkable achievements in diverse fields. However, existing HRL algorithms still cannot be applied to real-world navigation tasks. These tasks require an agent to perform safety-aware behaviors and interact with surrounding objects in dynamic environments. In addition, an agent in these tasks should perform consistent and structured exploration as they are long-horizon and have complex structures with diverse objects and task-specific rules. Designing HRL agents that can handle these challenges in real-world navigation tasks is an open problem. In this paper, we propose imagination-augmented HRL (IAHRL), a new and general navigation algorithm that allows an agent to learn safe and interactive behaviors in real-world navigation tasks. Our key idea is to train a hierarchical agent in which a high-level policy infers interactions by interpreting behaviors imagined with low-level policies. Specifically, the high-level policy is designed with a permutation-invariant attention mechanism to determine which low-level policy generates the most interactive behavior, and the low-level policies are implemented with an optimization-based behavior planner to generate safe and structured behaviors following task-specific rules. To evaluate our algorithm, we introduce five complex urban driving tasks, which are among the most challenging real-world navigation tasks. The experimental results indicate that our hierarchical agent performs safety-aware behaviors and properly interacts with surrounding vehicles, achieving higher success rates and lower average episode steps than baselines in urban … 


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