
VI Lab


How Does It Feel? Self-Supervised Costmap Learning for Off-Road Vehicle Traversability_김정탁 발표

페이지 정보

작성자 최고관리자 댓글 조회 작성일 24-08-02 15:14


 Estimating terrain traversability in off-road environments requires reasoning about complex interaction dynamics between the robot and these terrains. However, it is challenging to create informative labels to learn a model in a supervised manner for these interactions. We propose a method that learns to predict traversability costmaps by combining exteroceptive environmental information with proprioceptive terrain interaction feedback in a self-supervised manner. Additionally, we propose a novel way of incorporating robot velocity into the costmap prediction pipeline. We validate our method in multiple short and large-scale navigation tasks on challenging off-road terrains using two different large, all-terrain robots. Our short-scale navigation results show that using our learned costmaps leads to overall smoother navigation, and provides the robot with a more fine-grained understanding of the robotterrain interactions. Our large-scale navigation trials show that we can reduce the number of interventions by up to 57% compared to an occupancy-based navigation baseline in challenging off-road courses ranging from 400 m to 3150 m. Appendix and full experiment videos can be found in our website: 



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